DR. MINTZI MARTINEZ-RIVERA is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Providence College. She has a dual PhD (Folklore and Anthropology) from Indiana University Bloomington. Her research and teaching focus on P’urhépecha culture, indigenous youth culture, indigenous popular culture, expressive cultural practices, Critical Indigenous and Anti-Oppressive research methods, and cultural transformations. In June 2021, her co-edited volume with Dr. Solimar Otero Theorizing Folklore from the Margins: Critical and Ethnical Approaches will be published by Indiana University Press, and she is also completing her book manuscript Getting
Married in Angahuan: Creating Culture, Performing Community. For the last 2 years she has cooperated with the Social Justice Collaborative

Kakali Bhattacharya, PhD
Ph.D. in Qualitative Inquiry Program, Research, Evaluation, Measurement, & Statistics (Educational Psychology) – University of Georgia
Research interests:
De/colonizing onto-epistemologies; transnational issues of demographics and socioeconomics in higher education; sociocultural approaches to qualitative inquiry and educational research

Keivan Stassun, PhD
Department of Physics & Astronomy, Vanderbilt University
Department of Physics, Fisk University

Kevin Cokley, PhD
Department of Counseling Pychology
African and American Diaspora Department
Institute for Urban Policy and Reasearch Analysis
The University of Texas at Austin