Dear Graduate Mentoring Community
The role of the Graduate Mentoring Center (GMC) remains as vital now as ever. The unprecedented economic, social, and governmental challenges of our time make it crucial that we redouble our efforts to ensure that people pursue graduate study, succeed in their programs, and move into successful careers addressing those issues. Thanks to the sincere commitment of current and past administrations, the Graduate Mentoring Center is uniquely positioned to help achieve these goals on the Bloomington Campus.
Over the past two years, we have attempted to take a comprehensive approach to improving graduate student mentoring at IUB. To us, “comprehensive” means providing direct support and programming to students. It also means providing opportunities for faculty to improve as mentors, through cohort based and self-paced mentoring curricula informed by the best research. Finally, it means being a source of information and expertise for departments and schools around campus that want to grow their own mentoring programs and cultures.
I want to say thank you to the IUB community for the tremendous support in pursuing these goals and I look forward to continuing to work with you to figure out how the GMC can best enhance graduate student mentoring on our campus.
Sean Nicholson-Crotty
Director, The Graduate Mentoring Center